I planned to visit Spain in 2 years. A lot of other Spanish-speaking countries such as Mexico and Argentina are also on my list.
Therefore, I want to equip myself with
1) the language skills especially the survival phrases 旅行时的生存用语 and
2) cultural knowledge 西班牙语文化
to get the most out of my visit.
As I always believe, teaching is the best way to learn. So I’d love to share what I’m learning. You will be surprised at how far a little Spanish will go. 多一点点语言能力🤏多一点点沉浸式体验❤️🐣
有「熊市学 11 门语言群」,感兴趣可加我~
(in both Spain and Mexico accents)
Muchas Gracias.
Te lo agradezco.
Se lo agradezco.
主播:干啥都费曼教学学习法的 azure🦄
剪辑:冲冲冲的 azure😴