🧠大器晚成,挺有意思的一本书!福布斯主编 Rich Karlgaard 讨论了 25 岁左右判断力大脑发育的成型,好奇心和创新的互相激励作用这部分具体作用的探讨。
这部分人经历了更多对约定俗成的质疑,对群体思维的思辨,自我质疑时的痛苦。因此出现了几个挺有意思的强项:好奇心,同情心,韧性,安静思考,洞察,才智(Wisdom is about how to manage ambiguity)。
And these qualities: curiosity, compassion, resilience, equanimity, insight, and wisdom are conferred only with time.
By necessity, we late bloomers are on a different, more challenging trajectory. As we travel through life, we encounter obstacles like the push for conformity, the oppression of groupthink, and the pains of self-doubt.
But, in all these challenges, we find our hidden treasure. We unearth our individuality. We see that a path to excellence, to reaching our true potential, is available to all of us.
P.s. 特别神奇的发现,没想到 Forbes Global 2000 居然是他和 Guy Kawasaki 共同发起的。没想到 Guy Kawasaki 还有这条线上的工作,有意思。